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Taylor, here. 

If you're here too, thank you sincerely for supporting my blog. I hope something you read here finds a spot in your mind and stays there a while. My blog is more for me than it is for you, but I welcome you to grab a cup of coffee (decaf, cuz we anxious here) and browse the shelves of my mind. I hope you find something you didn't know you needed.

Here you will find stories of my life experiences, my healing journey from trauma, mental health education and support, book reviews (because I am a book worm, of course), and lots, lots more. Welcome to my creative outlet.

If you feel so inclined, check out my Products page at the top right corner. I share my favorite products and finds from Amazon there. If you don't find what you're looking for, visit My Amazon Link and purchase all your normal necessities on Amazon, just through me. You pay nothing additional to do this, and you're supporting my blog in the process. ♡

Lots of love,


Taylor ♡

My Childhood: Abridgment

I grew up in the town of Mount George, Arkansas. Population: Like 20 and 87 dogs. It's an unincorporated town in Yell County that neighbors the cities Danville and Dardanelle. You could call it a 'sleepy little town' but honestly, sleepy isn't what my descriptive word would be. 'Impoverished' is more fitting.

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